9th Five-star Review!!
Not sure how long this 5-star trend will last, so I'm over-the-moon excited to share another one! Thank you so much, 'Mary!'
(Although... this one may need a SPOILER ALERT, assuming the reviewer was telling the truth about the ending, which I will neither confirm nor deny.) 😉
In case anyone can't tell, I absolutely love hearing people's thoughts about my novel. If I could, I'd sit beside every reader to catch their expressions during certain scenes - just to see if they reacted the same way I did. Since that can't happen, hearing your feedback is the next best thing, so please keep the reviews coming.
The next book (the Prequel to Waves) is coming along, and I can't wait to share with you. Truly! One day soon I may share the opening pages with you (and not alert anyone else.) I still have a lot of research to do, though, so it probably won't be until later this year... unless I just can't hold back any longer!! (I think you'll like it.)
Thanks, again, to 'Mary' and to those who have taken the time to write a kind review. I hope you know how much it means to me.
All smiles.
(Now back to 'work' I go! Although writing never feels like work.)